Dee Heights is a project initiated by Dee Group Of Companies. We are following a collective approach to execute this project where team work and professional excellence is our strength.
The project is located at prime location Apartments Plot No. 3, MR-07,Block-C, Faisal Town, Islamabad, Pakistan at 10.05 kanals of residential apartment area. With this large area in Islamabad, we have an ample space to design the best possible apartments. Dee Heights is situated at main road which is 110 ft. wide and it can be reached from two sides, from Gate 1 and Gate 2 at Tarnol – Fateh Jang road N-5 which is connected with Motorway at Fateh Jang – Tarnol Interchange.
The distance of the project site is 0.75km away from main Kashmir Highway and 4km from Airport towards Islamabad. It is almost 12km away from G-10 and 7km from G-13. It can be easily accessed which makes it easier to find it.
Architectural Design
The project is designed by renowned architectural and structural engineering team. Their competency is evident from their work. With such skill and experience, they have created many beautiful construction projects.
Why Should You Choose Dee Height?
There are more than 200 apartments with car parking facility and independent servant rooms to make sure that nobody breaches your privacy.
The entire architectural design is made in such a way that more than 90% apartments are providing a scenic view of Kashmir Highway, Motorway M1, Islamabad and Margalla View.
Due to this attractive design, almost all the apartments give an option to enjoy the view.